Establishing paternity in Arizona is a complicated process that requires an experienced family law attorney, according to the Arizona family law attorneys at Scottsdale-based Corso Law Group. In Arizona, the father of a child is financially responsible for the child’s upbringing. Until the age of 18 or the child’s projected graduation from high school (whichever comes last) both parents have a financial responsibility to support the child. Paternity is automatically established through marriage. At the time of a child’s birth,
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Experience is important when hiring a lawyer. But finding a lawyer who cares about you and your family is just as important. At the Scottsdale law offices of Corso Law Group, the firm’s hard work and caring attitude earn them great reviews from their clients. “I left my old attorney and hired Corso Law Group,” said Mike M. of Peoria. “Mr. Rhude worked with me from the beginning. Dealing with the owner made me feel at home.
What does your neighborhood gas pump, Hurricane Sandy and the persistent severe illnesses of Americans that stretch from the east coast to Colorado have in common? In the world of personal injury claims and concerns, the answer is not only simple, it’s beginning to gain widespread national attention: fracking. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involves creating fractures in layers of shale far below the Earth’s surface in order to obtain access to oil or natural gas. The process requires deep drilling,
Published Thursday, December 13, 2012 | arizona dui
Scottsdale, Ariz. – The holiday season can be a deadly time of the year when it comes to drunk driving, according to the Arizona DUI lawyers at Corso Law Group. “The last few weeks of the year can lead to deadly accidents, DUI arrests and drunk driving tragedies,” said John M. Rhude of Corso Law Group. “It’s important that Arizona drivers understand that the state has no tolerance for drunk driving and DUI task forces will stop drunk drivers in
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Having a lawyer with experience is important. Having one that cares is invaluable. The experienced lawyers at Corso Law Group work hard every day to represent their clients in the courtroom. “I hired Corso Law Group to help me with me legal problem,” said James T. of Scottsdale. “They treated me professionally and got the job done. No smoke and mirrors, a fair price and they did what they said they were going to do.” There are
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Collecting back child support can become a complicated matter that requires legal expertise, according to the experienced Arizona family law attorneys at Corso Law Group, who know that having an attorney well-versed in family law is essential in any Arizona divorce case. Support enforcement in Arizona most often refers to child support payments owed by one parent (the obligor) to the other parent (the obligee). However, Arizona’s support payment enforcement process can also be applied to other
Published Thursday, November 22, 2012 | arizona dui
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Thanksgiving is the deadliest holiday of the year when it comes to drunk driving, according to Corso Law Group. “Many people assume that New Year’s Eve is responsible for the most drunk-driving deaths,” said Christopher P. Corso of Corso Law Group. “But that assumption is wrong. Each year Thanksgiving Day accounts for more fatalities related to DUIs than any other holiday.” According to a 2009 Forbes magazine study, an average of 401 people die each year on
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Having a lawyer with experience is important. Having one that cares is invaluable. The experienced lawyers at Corso Law Group work hard every day to represent their clients in the courtroom. “Corso Law Group were helpful and listened to my side of the story,” said Shannon from Scottsdale, Arizona. “If you are looking for a great lawyer, try this firm out. (They are) highly recommended by me.” There are many Corso Law Group reviews that echo these
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Having a lawyer with experience is important. Having one that cares is invaluable. The experienced lawyers at Corso Law Group work hard every day to represent their clients in the courtroom. “Corso Law Group were helpful and listened to my side of the story,” said Shannon from Scottsdale, Arizona. “If you are looking for a great lawyer, try this firm out. (They are) highly recommended by me.” There are many Corso Law Group reviews that echo these
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Arizona domestic violence charges are serious and come with serious implications for Arizona families, according to the experienced domestic violence lawyers at Scottsdale-based Corso Law Group. “Domestic violence charges can be embarrassing and very costly for families,” said Christopher P. Corso of Corso Law Group. “Having an experienced domestic violence lawyer on your side can make a world of difference.” In Arizona, domestic violence charges can be filed against spouses, partners, former partners, people who live together, people