Parents and politicians are up in arms over a powdered alcohol that they worry will find its way into the hands of underage children. Approval was erroneously given to powdered alcohol by The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau on April 18, and was voluntarily withdrawn 13 days later due to public outcry. However, Palcohol remains to be a concern for many states, several of which are banning it altogether. Palcohol is a lightweight powdered alcohol, originally developed by
In April, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that drivers with traces of marijuana found in the body after a drug test can not receive DUI charges if the existing chemical compounds do not cause impairment. This overturned the Court of Appeals decision from last year that gave prosecutors the right to charge marijuana users with DUIs without proof that they were physically impaired at the time of arrest. Attention to this issue was brought to the higher court when an
Lawmakers are wrestling with keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, but in doing so they walk a fine line between public safety and gun control. Measures have been taken by members of Congress to prevent mass gun violence by preventing the mentally ill from purchasing guns and increasing police training on how to handle mental health crises. Recently, new bills have come forth to reexamine current gun laws and the mental health aspect of current background
Thanks to an overhaul of legal cases that leave public defendants drowning in work, individuals charged with crimes are now drowning in court fees and facing jail time far more severe than is warranted. Courts are scrambling to rake in defendants’ money by tacking on extra fees and charging interest, leaving people with lower incomes who are incapable of paying these inordinate amounts no choice but to compensate by accepting extensive jail time. Public defenders in Missouri, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and
On June 1, 2014, a trio of twelve-year-old girls ventured into the woods in Waukesha, Wisconsin, for a sinister game of hide-and-seek – a game that ended with 19 stab wounds and a slew of questions from the public. Two of the girls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, allegedly ganged up on their friend with a kitchen knife and left her, bleeding and helpless, until a bicyclist found her on Saturday morning. The most perplexing part of the children’s violent
Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) opened the door to medical marijuana years ago, but will not budge on opening it any more in 2014. ADHS rejected a proposed expansion – adding illnesses to the list of approved marijuana-treated conditions – of the state’s medical marijuana program more than 3 years after approving the Act which allows the use of medical marijuana, with a 50.13 percent approval. The state’s current policy on medical marijuana is protected by Proposition 203, which
Emotional videos are being presented in court to mitigate defendant sentencing in hopes of a more lenient verdict. These documentary-style films, typically featuring the convicted person along with interviews of family, friends and coworkers offering good judgement on the defendant’s character and lifestyle with the goal of inspiring a lighter sentencing, could be the newest trend reaching court rooms nationwide. Under federal law, convicted persons have the right to present the court with any information that may lessen his or
Drinking and driving never mix but the Arizona DUI lawyers at Corso Law Group know Arizona DUIs are even more dangerous over the July 4th weekend. The Arizona DUI lawyers at Corso Law Group know the long Fourth of July weekend can be a dangerous proposition for many Arizonans. “It’s really about letting your guard down,” said Arizona DUI lawyer Christopher P. Corso of Corso Law Group. “Long holiday weekends always pose trouble for Arizona DUIs because many people host
All eyes are on Colorado this year as it is the first state in the country to legalize recreational marijuana and the first location in the world to regulate weed from growth to sales. In November 2012, 55 percent of Colorado citizens voted in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana, and on January 1, 2014, pot retail outlets opened their doors to thousands of Colorado natives and state visitors who lined up to be among the first to legally buy marijuana.
A strong passion for justice and dedication to defending the rights of their clients as well as an extensive knowledge of Arizona state and national laws have given Corso Law Group a competitive edge against other Valley attorneys, and satisfied clients are sharing their positive experiences. “We believe clients deserve the best possible legal representation every time,” said founding partner Christopher P. Corso, Esq. “All of the positive reviews and positive feedback we receive tells us that we’re doing the